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Inside the world of data

How to set up a BI project?

In the business world, strategic information plays a crucial role in decision-making.

That's why more and more companies are investing in Business Intelligence (BI) projects to gain valuable insights from their data.

This blog will show you the steps to set up a successful BI project to help you achieve your company's strategic goals.

For the project to happen, it is necessary to carry out five fundamental steps: plan, collect data, transform data, analyze and visualize, and implement and monitor.


Before starting any BI project, having your company's specific strategic objectives in mind is essential.

Understanding what information is relevant to the success of the business is essential. By embracing this new tool, you can direct the project and define the key metrics that you will monitor these key metrics throughout the process.

Data collection

Assessing data availability is a crucial step in the BI project.

You should be clear about where to get the information you need to feed your system.

Check for internal sources, such as databases and management systems, and external sources, such as APIs and third-party data. This assessment will allow you to determine the feasibility and quality of the data available.

Data transformation, analysis and visualization

In these steps, assessing the tools and technologies available on the market is paramount.

There are several options for transforming and preparing data, as well as for performing advanced analytics and creating compelling visualizations.

Consider your business needs and evaluate cost, functionality and scalability solutions. Remember that the right choice of tools can directly impact the efficiency of your BI project.

Implementation and monitoring

The project implementation requires detailed planning of the steps, definition of responsible parties and identification of the tasks necessary for its execution.

Setting realistic deadlines and ensuring all necessary resources are available is essential.

In addition, from the outset, it is essential to plan the monitoring of the project, including the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and how to evaluate business intelligence performance.

You will be able to track progress and identify possible improvements.

Although each organization is unique and may require specific adaptations, the plan presented here will provide a solid foundation to start your BI project successfully.

Always remember to define your company's strategic goals well, assess data availability and quality, choose the right tools, and carefully plan implementation and monitoring.

This way, you will be prepared to start a BI project that will revolutionize how your company uses data and make more informed decisions, boosting your business growth.


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